望江南 (學名:Cassia occidentalis L.),又稱為羊角豆、石決明,為豆科 決明屬,原產地為美洲熱帶地區,現廣分布於台灣、大陸及熱帶和亞熱帶地區。為藥食兩用之植物。
Looking south of the Yangtze River
Cassia occidentalis L. (scientific name: Cassia occidentalis L. ), also known as Cassia occidentalis, belongs to the genus Cassia of the Leguminosae family. Its origin is the tropical regions of America and is now widely distributed in Taiwan, mainland China, and tropical and subtropical regions. It is a plant with both medicinal and food uses.





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boocharati® kombucha powder
Organic green tea leaves are selected and fully fermented for more than 6 months. Dry spray or freeze spray methods are used to create original tea with no loss of nutrients, rich organic acid taste, low pH and stable quality. Halal certification comes from natural fermented kombucha liquid, with zero added chemicals and preservatives. Boocharati allows consumers to replenish fermented good bacteria and functional nutrients in the most convenient and natural way.

Manna-K Organic Kombucha Concentrate
Manna-K concentrate has obtained organic certification from Canada and the European Union, and has also passed Kosher and Halal certification. Green tea is used as the fermentation base. Compared with other tea types, green tea contains the highest polyphenols and anti-free radical content, providing more significant nutritional value. Without changing existing equipment, Manna-K can increase output by 10 times, effectively improving production efficiency.

Inulin (chicory fiber)
Inulin is a polysaccharide polymerized from 8 to 9 fructose. Because the human body lacks the decomposition enzyme of this heterofructo-oligosaccharide, and inulin itself has low-calorie properties, it is often added to functional health foods. in to increase dietary fiber content. Inulin is especially suitable for people who eat out a lot and eat less fresh fruits and vegetables. Appropriate supplementation can help maintain a healthy intestinal environment.